On Thursday former Bush White House chief of staff Andrew Card told conservative talker Michael Medved that he felt the new White House dress code showed a lack of “respect” for the Office of the Presidency.
Amazing. I would find it hard to believe that the chief of staff of the most incompetent White House in the history of our country has the arrogance to comment on just about any operational policy the current White House chooses to implement, except.... that the Bush White House is also in the running for the most arrogant collection of incompetents in our history. The Senate may edge them out of that distinction, but they've had a big head start.
I should think that those trying to rebuild a meaningful Republican Party would encourage Bush White House staffers to disappear for the foreseeable future... maybe for ever. Silence should be golden. "Go away! Get out of Washington! Don't come back!" should be the message.
Alas, not so. The "old" party is apparently going to fight the "new" party tooth and nail to keep the same old culprits in power in the House and the Senate. A principle tenant of their argument will apparently be that republicans have nothing to be ashamed of... that the Bush legacy is one of accomplishment and success... that the free exercise of republican thinking by the Bush administration and his captive Congress did not destroy our beloved country. Well, they have destroyed our country. We will never get back all that they destroyed... ever.
Amazing. Even the village idiot himself clearly knows his legacy is one of unmitigated disaster. He is incapable of admitting failure of course... but his public body language is pretty clear. Even Nixon departed Washington with a less abject face than did the dubya. Well, Nixon did much less damage. Republicans should be ashamed.
9 years ago
So true !