
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yet another village idiot "leads" the republican party

During an appearance on Fox "News", John McCain adamantly defended conservative talk host Rush Limbaugh, whose devout hope for America is is, apparently... "failure"... abject or otherwise.

Well... if you needed another example of what kind of "patriot" John McCain actually is... this statement should be the final nail in the coffin of his tattered reputation. He really seems to believe that we all must accept his unchallanged claim to patriotism... regardless of what foolish things he says and does. Thank God we don't have to suffer eight more years with another "patriotic" village idiot in the White House.

Limbaugh's statement was about as close to treason as he could have come without exactly crossing the line. This was not a matter of political opinion, or political agenda, or political rhetoric... it was quite simply a blunt statement of Limbaugh's desire to see our country fail rather than see a democrat (a black democrat at that) succeed. Maybe he thinks, like most republicans, that a good dose of poverty would be good for all of us... to help us peasants know our place.

Limbaugh has always been a pretty disgusting piece of work, but McCain's defense is another sad example of his own twisted idea of leadership. He really hasn't caught on to the fact that he is not the leader of the republican party anymore... if he ever was.

Regardless of republican attempts to reinterpret what ol' Rush said there's just not any room for misinterpretation here. Rush said what he said. Rocket science is not involved... treason is pretty much treason. Limbaugh done said it... for all of us to hear. McCain should just crawl into a hole and shut the f___ up.